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Trade Statistics – 1st Quarter 2023

May 29, 2023

For the first quarter of 2023, total exports proceeds, including domestic exports,re-exports and ship's stores and bunkers amounted to Rs 25.16 billion.

Total Exports

According to Statistics Mauritius, for the first quarter of 2023, total exports proceeds, including domestic exports,re-exports and ship's stores and bunkers amounted to Rs 25.16 billion. Compared to the corresponding quarter of 2022, total exports for the first quarter of 2023 increased by 13.9%. This is mainly explained by increases in exports of “Machinery and transport equipment” (+138.2%)”and “Food and live animals” (+44.4%), partly offset by decreases in the exports of “Ship’s Stores and Bunkers” (-7.6%), “Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material” (-6.8%) and “Miscellaneous manufactured articles” (-1.2%).

Exports figures by country of destination

Analysis of exports figures by country of destination for the first quarter of 2023 showed that the European countries were our main buyers, purchasing some 46.4% of our exports excluding ship’s stores and bunkers, for a value of Rs 9.79 billion. Among countries, the major destinations for our exports were South Africa (10.4%), U.K (9.5%), France (9.1%), U.S.A (7.7%), Spain (6.6%), Madagascar (6.4%), Netherlands (5.5%) and Italy (5.4%).

Forecast for year 2023

Based on trends and information from various sources, the forecast of total exports for 2023 will be around Rs 110 billion, 3.8% higher than the total exports of around Rs 106 billion in 2022.

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